Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bloom Triples Event 4/17-4/19!!!

I love Bloom Triples. I have done triples 3 times and never spent over $10. Each time I came home with bunches of stuff too. O.k. here are the rules. 1) Bloom will only triple coupons whose face value is under $1. So a $.75 coupon becomes $2.25, but a $1 coupon is always a $1. 2) Bloom's policy is to only allow you to triple 20 coupons per day. However, some people have been allowed to ring up twice in order to triple more than 20 in a day. This is a hit or miss thing. 3) In the past, Bloom will give you overages towards your other purchases. For example, if your item costs $2 and your coupons triple to $2.25, the extra .25 will go towards another item.

Here are some highlights:
Sargento Cheese $2.50 (.55/1 wine tags)
Land O Lakes Butter Quarters & spreadable Butter $2.50 (.50 coupon from Sunday Insert)
Breyers Yo Crunch $2.50 (.75 coupons from inserts)
Cocoa Puffs is BOGO (.75 coupon from coupons.com)

Other great coupons that I can think of to use this time:
Sunday Insert coupons:
.60 Daisy Sour Cream

.75/1 Uncle Ben's Rice
.50 Barilla Pasta

.75 Breyer's Swirled Yogurt
.55 Macaroni & Cheese Crackers (tear pad)
.55 Pam Spray
.60 Bisquick
.75 French's French Fried Onions
.55 Hefty
.55 Ziplock

http://www.smartsource.com/ coupons:
.50 Wacky Mac (FREE)
.75 No Yolks coupon
.75 Allure Coupon
.55 Land O Lakes coupon
.75 Halls Coupons (FREE)

http://www.coupons.com/ coupons:
.55 Betty Crocker icing coupon
.75 Cocoa Puffs coupon

How to prepare for a triples event:
1) First of all, don't go there to stock up on anything but things you are getting for dirt cheap. If you need bananas, then get them, but don't stock up on 20 packages of toilet paper, if you don't have great coupons to match with it. I don't make this my weekly trip, but an extra trip, on which I only use coupons.

2) Go through your coupons before you leave the house and pull any that have a face value of under $1 that you think might make that item an unbelieveable steal. Put the pulled coupons into an envelope marked "Bloom".

3) If you have multiples of the same coupon, paper clip them together.

4) When you get to the store, go through your "Bloom" envelope and shop item by item. If the coupon will make that item free or super cheap get it. As you put items in your cart, have another envelope to put the coupons in for the items you are actually buying. Move the coupons that you are not going to use to the back of the Bloom envelope until you have gone through all of the coupons. When you get home, refile the coupons you didn't use.

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