It is obvious that these two stores are competing for your business. Shoppers is tripling today through Sunday and Bloom is tripling Friday, May 15th - 17th. PLEASE CHECK ONLINE BEFORE YOU LEAVE TO MAKE SURE YOUR STORE IS PARTICIPATING. Here is the low down:
Shoppers: They are tripling unlimited coupons upto and including coupons with a face value of .99. THEY ARE NOT doubling $1 coupons like they normally do. I am unsure as to whether or not they will triple internet printables, so be prepared to not have these accepted. They do not give overages.
Bloom: They are tripling coupons with a face value upto and including .99. THEIR LIMIT IS 20! Now sometimes they do allow you to do more than one transaction to get around this. They do accept Internet Printables. They also sometimes give overages on coupons.
Now here are some good picks:
.75 Breyers Yogurt Swirl (Disney) = .25
.75 Uncle Bens Rice = FREE
.75 Eggo Waffles = FREE (I think you will ge overages on this at Bloom)
.75 Mahata Rice Coupon = FREE
.55 Bumble Bee Tuna (blinkie machine) = FREE (or close)
.50 Hot Pocket Paninis = .50 AT BLOOM
.75 Farm Rich Coupon (print it here) = Under $1
.60 Daisy Sour Cream = FREE (small containers)
.55 Pam Coupon = $1.35 at Shoppers
How to prepare for a triples event:
1) First of all, don't go there to stock up on anything but things you are getting for dirt cheap. If you need bananas, then get them, but don't stock up on 20 packages of toilet paper, if you don't have great coupons to match with it. I don't make this my weekly trip, but an extra trip, on which I only use coupons.
2) Go through your coupons before you leave the house and pull any that have a face value of under $1 that you think might make that item an unbelieveable steal. Put the pulled coupons into an envelope marked with the stores name.
3) If you have multiples of the same coupon, paper clip them together.
4) When you get to the store, go through your envelope and shop item by item. If the coupon will make that item free or super cheap get it. As you put items in your cart, have another envelope to put the coupons in for the items you are actually buying. Move the coupons that you are not going to use to the back of the envelope until you have gone through all of the coupons. When you get home, refile the coupons you didn't use.
5) If shopping with a child, bring something for them to do or pack a back pack. Don't forget a snack and drink for them.
6) Bring cash for when your total comes to under a couple of bucks, so that you are not fumbling to write a check.
7) Watch as they scan the coupons to make sure each one triples. It is easier to correct this when you catch it than later.
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