Tuesday, November 3, 2009

CVS $5 off $20 Coupon

O.k. this is a hard one to explain how to get. First go here. Then wait for the banner to come up at the top of the screen. If it is not a banner for CVS that says it is for a $5 coupon, then hit refresh (that is the button in your browser with 2 arrows that are green) until you get the CVS banner with the $5 coupon. DON'T CLICK ON ANYTHING ONCE IT COMES UP. Just run your mouse over top of the banner until it peels away the 4 stickies. At the bottom there is a button labeled "print coupon now". Only click on that. You can only print one. These are individually numbered, so if you copy it or make it into a pdf, the second one will beep. That coupon is good until 12/31. I would probably reserve that coupon for Black Friday or December ecb deals.
Then if you want a coupon you should use now. Go here and you can get a $5 off $30 coupon that is valid for 2 weeks.
Get the most bang for your buck at CVS -- Hand them the store coupon first once you have met your minimum on the coupon ($20 or $30), then give them your manufacturer's coupons and ecbs.

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