Sunday, November 22, 2009

FREE $10 for your change at Coinstar

This ends on 12/6 -- so hurry. FIRST OF ALL YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL OF THE RULES EXACTLY. So go here and read them carefully.

Here's how it works:

1) Take $40 in change to a coinstar location. I personally count my money first to make sure I have the right amount. Sounds counter productive, but I am going for the free $10 not the counting service. Take a little extra in case you miscount -- also sometimes these machines aren't perfect. LOAD THE MONEY SLOWLY.

2) In order to get the $10 extra bucks you must load the $40 onto a gift card or e-certificate. Here is a list of choices for gift cards. I like the Lowes one (you can use it to buy your Christmas Tree) or CVS is always good too.

3) Your extra $10 comes 6-8 weeks later in the form of a gift card from the place you chose before. So you don't get this money right away. YOU MUST FILL OUT YOUR CLAIM FORM THAT IS ON YOUR RECEIPT AND SEND IT IN TO GET THE $10.

4) No change? No problem. You can go to the bank and ask for 4 rolls of quarters.

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