Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bloom Triple Coupon Event- Friday, Saturday and Sunday

I love when Bloom triples coupons, however, I have been very busy with several other deals this week and have had little time to spend on Bloom. I scanned the ad and didn't see any unbelievable matchups, however, here are some possible good printable picks, if you are going:

$.75 on Del Monte Pineapple ($2.25 value after triples)

$.75 No Yolks Egg Noodles ($2.25 value after triples)
$.50 Pompeiian Vinegar ($1.50 value after triples)
$.75 Halls Cough Drops ($2.25 value after triples)
$.75 Allure Magazine ($2.25 value after triples)

$.50 Wacky Mac Coupon ($1.50 value after triples = FREE)

If you have any Kellogg's coupons for under $1 those would work great for the cereal that is on sale for $1.66

If you are unfamiliar with Blooms triples, they will allow you to triple 20 coupons per visit with no minimum purchase required. The original face value of the coupon can be no more than .99. Any coupon over $1 is only worth its value.

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