Thursday, July 9, 2009

CVS Highlights 7/12 - 7/19

I am using an ad scan to prepare this post. Sometimes when we view early ads, they change slightly. Please be sure to check your local ad before running out to get these deals.

This past week, my CVS did not have most of the items I wanted. Make sure if this happens to you, you get a rain check.

ECBs is basically CVS money. The best way to maximize ECBs is to use last week's ECBs to buy items that generate this week's ECBs.



Caliber or CVS 1 Subject Notebook FREE after ECBS, limit 2

Papermate Pens FREE after ECBS, limit 3

Caliber or It's Academic 5" pointed or blunt tip scissors FREE after ECBS, limit 2

Caliber or CVS Plastic or Wood Ruler FREE after ECB, limit 2

Caliber or CVS 3 Subject Notebook, .99 after ECB, limit 2

Portfolio 2 Pocket assorted colors .05, limit 10


6x8 10 page Photo Book, FREE after ECBs, limit 1

Gillette Fusion Razor - .99 after ECBS and coupon from a recent insert.
There are other ecb deals that may be helpful to you, but nothing that I thought was a steal.
Now I am off to do laundry, clean up the house and pack. I probably will not post anything else until we come back next weekend, unless I see something unbelievable tomorrow. Have a great week. I know I will.

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